Monday, February 29, 2016

2 Ways To Clear The Cache On The Laptop Until it is Clean

 2 Ways To Clear The Cache On The Laptop Until it is Clean

Cache is a file trash our activity in the laptop , this file could be parasitical if not in the clear . Because it can be cached files can accumulate and become a parasite that can make your laptop becomes slow and so forth .

These cache files are stored in the C: \ drive on your laptop right on recent system places , you can see it on your windows explorer . there are all kinds of your daily activities inside the laptop , just imagine if it was not in the clear cache might accumulate and make us punuh storage drive . Keith again kalai these caches contain viruses that can damage the system on your laptop . The following two ways to clean cache on the laptop

First Step
  1. Press WIN + R
  2. Laluk type in "Recent " without quotes and enter Recent command is used to display all the cache on the laptop
  3. Select All by pressing CTRL + A right click select Delete

How to-2 use the app Ccleaner
  1. Open the application Ccleaner
  2. Then click Analyze , Wait until the process is complete
  3. If you have finished click Run cleaner to begin the process of elimination of junk files that exist on your laptop , wait until the process is completed
  4. Repeat the process until the capacity of the Run Cleaner changed to 0 bytes removed

Perform cleaning periodically and regularly, at least 1 week up to 1 month. It is included in the activities shall be conducted on the laptop because the laptop is still relatively care as well .

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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Want to keep your laptop nimble , let 's consider the following tips

Want to keep your laptop nimble , let 's consider the following tips

Laptop slow , it is because of his lack of medical treatment and attention to your laptop , you try to watch how you use it may be arbitrary and does not care about what will happen to your laptop . Slow that is for sure if you use it carelessly . For that you may need to try a few of these tips

1. use the default Windows theme display only

felt lighter, as most of the default Windows theme is not only made your SO be slow, it's because the theme you are using not compatible with the state of your laptop 

2. on the theme to make it more agile use the classic theme

default classic theme of windows as sipel Temes has a mode that all of his relatively classical and light wear on your laptop 

3. not too much to ask shortcut on the desktop display
too many shortcuts also affect the speed of the windows appear when first turned on, because the windows system requires more time to neutralize all of the applications on your Windows display 

use the application as needed, for example, frequently use applications or you must use on your laptop in their daily lives. because too many applications installed on your laptop and rarely in use application that will actually slow down the performance of your laptop

5. clear the cache every 1 week

file cache is trash our activity in the laptop, if let it accumulate then it will be bad for the health of your laptop. This cache is parasitic if it is not cleaned periodically, because it can take space on your operating system. 

6. remove unnecessary files from your drives
These actions are taken so that your drive is not full and make your laptop experience low-speed, full of his drive is one factor that can make your laptop into a low speed 

7. The use antivirus that is lightweight and does not block for laptop systems

Antivirus today many who overload the operating system on our laptops, because too sensitive to viral activity that goes on our laptops instead will be bad, intends to maintain but could be even remove all existing registry on System oprasi on our laptop, laptop be slow initially, the impact of the worst impact is that the windows could be crass and error 

8. reduce the activity too often playing games on laptop
with a laptop you can reduce the time to do a little bit on the system refres system, so it can be re-fresh your laptop system deh 

9. use applications that do not take too much of your drive space

This apliaski normally would be too much to take over the system on your laptop one on the storage system, because as I said earlier that the drive is full is one cause of the laptop to be slow 

10. do regular maintenance and regular course

for this one must be done because you are doing maintenance on a regular basis can make your laptop into a more manicured and comfortable in use course

well that's a few tips that I can share to all my friends , the tips above are also I often do on the laptop and my home computer , I'll certainly durable and long lasting . Behind a great laptop that contained accurate treatment are not you , good luck and hopefully useful .

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Read-More → Want to keep your laptop nimble , let 's consider the following tips

Saturday, February 27, 2016

What are the Benefits Blog - Walking ? Come Listen Anything Worth

Blog-Walking,The idea that I want tuangin this time about the benefits of a blog-walking, and once again the original of thingking me. Investigate a investigate it turned blog walking into one of the shortcuts that can be increase population of the blog, it is indeed true because I have proved the truth of his own. by Blog-Walking there are a lot of benefits such as I have outlined below.

  1.  The most important is to improve visitor
  2.  Join visitor adds + follower
  3.  Add rating blogs
  4.  That the articles we post visible appearance and quality
  5.  Friends, and share info about the blog
  6.  Draw attention to our blog google
  7.  Increase revenue, because the more you visit and click the ads on our blog
  8.  Increase the likelihood of our blog will be received by ads
  9.  Stabilize shortly blog traffic
  10.  Order not bored blogging

From dafatr above may be there are not all usut, ya understand I was still new-blogging, so if there is tambahanya please advise and later I will write on the above list + link source.

That's how I feel after an active follow-Blog-walking either in sosmed blog or forum, one of the forums that I attended that forum in kaskus. Remember the internet is when Blog-walking please use the polite manners not to offend the other side are we to Blog-walking.

Read-More → What are the Benefits Blog - Walking ? Come Listen Anything Worth

Samsung launches Galaxy S7 and S7 edge gold plated , let 's find out the price

Samsung launched its newest product that is samsung galaxy S7 and S7 edge at MWC 2016 event yesterday and which has now been in baluti by 24 karat gold, wow very elegant and fantastic of course.

This new product can be in order or Pre-Order at 21 days after completion of the samsung official event on March 11 with FREE shipping worldwide and in exaggerating with 1 year warranty.

This gold-plated smartphone will arrive in luxury Wooden box as soon as possible, here the buyers could get some equipment provided by Samsung to support the newest brands such as providing equipment Gear VR headset, the box will contain a free Wireless Charging Pad.

This unggulanya Smartphone GSM Arena reported on its website, there are two piliha that we can choose which samsung S7 and S7 edge with a layer 18 Rose-Gold (platinum plating) and 24 karat gold. Rate quoted Prime is 1.700 pounds, or around Rp. 33 juta rupiah
With the design of super luxury is certainly the price so it is appropriate that in the analysis, the product also includes a special product that is issued by Samsung to do jack against Android style.

The most positive thing was also on the show by Samsung to participate in conducting berperti sipasi in charitable activities around the world, which is 5% of the sales of smartphones S7 and S7 edge will be donated to various charities around the world

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Read-More → Samsung launches Galaxy S7 and S7 edge gold plated , let 's find out the price

Start Mass Production Samsung Chip 256 GB

Predicted will give the best performance in the future Samsung started mass producing chips 256 GB which he felt could improve performance.

Samsung One of the largest provider of electronic Electronics has officially started mass production of memory chips 256 GB. This production included the first products on an industrial scale. In addition, this chip has entered into a standard scale with Universal flash strorage 20.0 (UFS)

The possibility of the presence of 256 GB chip that will be created is capable of making sophistication in electronics will grow, start in terms of operational speed, memory capacity, and some fitureyang exist on Android.

Samsung offers a new chip with features exceptional performance for mobile devices, which exceeds that of typical SATA-based SSDs for the PC. In fact it can transfer data up to 850 MBps. Three times faster than the performance of the micro SD card.

Because the power that you can take photos, watch and record with 4K quality with this new memory chip yak, Chip 256 GB. besides samsung Samsung also will also enhance future mobile phones with support for USB 3.0 interface and said "that with the new chip UFS 256 GB 2.0 This chip can transfer the video is 1080 pixels with 90 minutes of normal time to 12 seconds"

Quoted from page GSM Arena , according to rumors this chip will be implanted for Samsung Galaxy Note 6 which will be released in September

Reflink by : REPUBLIKA.CO.ID

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