Saturday, February 27, 2016

What are the Benefits Blog - Walking ? Come Listen Anything Worth

Blog-Walking,The idea that I want tuangin this time about the benefits of a blog-walking, and once again the original of thingking me. Investigate a investigate it turned blog walking into one of the shortcuts that can be increase population of the blog, it is indeed true because I have proved the truth of his own. by Blog-Walking there are a lot of benefits such as I have outlined below.

  1.  The most important is to improve visitor
  2.  Join visitor adds + follower
  3.  Add rating blogs
  4.  That the articles we post visible appearance and quality
  5.  Friends, and share info about the blog
  6.  Draw attention to our blog google
  7.  Increase revenue, because the more you visit and click the ads on our blog
  8.  Increase the likelihood of our blog will be received by ads
  9.  Stabilize shortly blog traffic
  10.  Order not bored blogging

From dafatr above may be there are not all usut, ya understand I was still new-blogging, so if there is tambahanya please advise and later I will write on the above list + link source.

That's how I feel after an active follow-Blog-walking either in sosmed blog or forum, one of the forums that I attended that forum in kaskus. Remember the internet is when Blog-walking please use the polite manners not to offend the other side are we to Blog-walking.


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