Cache is a file trash our activity in the laptop , this file could be parasitical if not in the clear . Because it can be cached files can accumulate and become a parasite that can make your laptop becomes slow and so forth .
These cache files are stored in the C: \ drive on your laptop right on recent system places , you can see it on your windows explorer . there are all kinds of your daily activities inside the laptop , just imagine if it was not in the clear cache might accumulate and make us punuh storage drive . Keith again kalai these caches contain viruses that can damage the system on your laptop . The following two ways to clean cache on the laptop
First Step
- Press WIN + R
- Laluk type in "Recent " without quotes and enter Recent command is used to display all the cache on the laptop
- Select All by pressing CTRL + A right click select Delete
How to-2 use the app Ccleaner
- Open the application Ccleaner
- Then click Analyze , Wait until the process is complete
- If you have finished click Run cleaner to begin the process of elimination of junk files that exist on your laptop , wait until the process is completed
- Repeat the process until the capacity of the Run Cleaner changed to 0 bytes removed
Perform cleaning periodically and regularly, at least 1 week up to 1 month. It is included in the activities shall be conducted on the laptop because the laptop is still relatively care as well .
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